Drake University (Class of 2017)
Majors: English & Magazine Journalism
2015 – 2016 Historian of Sigma Tau Delta: The International English Honor Society
Graduated with University Honors
GPA: 3.48
Experience. A fitness equipment company that offers free educational articles and programming
Associate Editor (November 2018 – Present)
- Write text for articles, news posts, headlines, summaries and social media posts while utilizing SEO best practices
- Interview people from a wide variety of strength sports backgrounds
- Write copy to accompany videos and podcast episodes
- Create company style guide from scratch
- Edit articles for grammar, clarity, organization and more in either Microsoft Word or Google Docs
- Format, schedule and publish articles in WordPress
- Ensure two articles were published to the website every day, seven days a week
- Run the elitefts Twitter account since August 6, 2019
The North Platte Telegraph: A Berkshire-Hathaway Media newspaper that serves North Platte, Nebraska, and surrounding coverage areas
Copy Editor/Page Designer (August 2017 – October 2018)
- Edited and fact-checked articles
- Wrote headlines
- Uploaded stories to web and social media via BLOX
- Laid out daily newspaper with InDesign “A space for college students to defend themselves and laugh at the millennial haters; the people who think they are the laziest, most entitled, and worst generation to come along yet”
Staff Writer (March 2017 – May 2017)
- Wrote 10 articles per week, including branded content
Organization for Transformative Works: A Hugo Award-winning nonprofit organization run by and for fans to provide access to and preserve the history of fanworks and fan cultures
Freelance Writer/Editor/Beta Reader (July 2016 – Present)
- Write fan fiction on own time
- Wrote a fan fiction that has an international following and over 11,000 hits
- Fan fiction writers request my expertise to beta read and edit their works
Drake Political Review: A biannual nonpartisan political publication
Copy Editor (October 2016 – May 2017)
- Edited copy and fact-checked articles with Google Docs’ suggestion mode before printing
The Annual: A yearly print magazine dedicated to Midwestern arts and social movements
Editor/Writer (August 2016 – May 2017)
- Managed and edited (both macro and micro) writers’ incoming articles
- Regularly contacted writers on article progress
- Hosted edit feedback sessions with writers and editorial and art staff
Urban Plains Magazine: “Telling the untold stories of the Midwest”
Copy Editor/Staff Writer (August 2016 – December 2016)
- Updated and revised Urban Plains’ style guide with copy chief’s oversight
- Called writers’ sources and fact-checked articles
- Took on the bulk of proofreading and editing copy
- Posted articles on the magazine’s website via WordPress blog:
- Wrote stories (“The Last Fan Standing” & “Over the (Cheshire) Moon”)
Iowa Voters for Companion Animals: Nonprofit grassroots lobbyist group advocating for pets’ welfare
Social Media Intern (May 2016 – August 2016)
- Wrote, managed and scheduled daily posts for Facebook page
- Created social media campaign #DogDaysOfSummer to attract more followers and supporters
The Times-Delphic: Drake University’s weekly newspaper
Copy Editor (August 2015 – May 2016)
- Fact-checked, spellchecked and edited articles promptly using MS Word’s Track Changes function
- Worked under a weekly deadline
The Animal Rescue League of Iowa: Iowa’s largest nonprofit animal shelter
Community Communications Intern (May 2015 – August 2015)
- Took photos and videos for summer camps and other informative events for the ARL’s blog, newsletters and social media
- Wrote WordPress blog posts, testimonials and newsletters informing (and interviewing) pet owners about the ARL’s low-cost spay/neuter program
- Write creative short stories, magazine and news articles
- Seek out errors and banish them from the page in AP Style
- Excel in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Microsoft Office programs
- Know basic HTML and CSS