Hi, I’m Sydney Schulte. My pronouns are she/her/hers. I won’t be offended if you refer to me as they/them and in fact encourage those pronouns. But I do not identify as male (although I admire you for breaking past the binary construct of gender), so no he/him/his when referring to me, please and thanks.
My life is divided between three great loves: dogs, writing, and reading. Maybe four if you count the Oxford comma.
Education & Work
I graduated from Drake University in 2017 with degrees in English and magazine journalism. Following graduation, I was hired as a copy editor and page designer for The North Platte Telegraph. I packed my bags for the move from West Des Moines, Iowa, to North Platte, Nebraska.
Along the way, I adopted a dog and was laid off within a year and a month — an unfortunate fate for many in the newspaper industry. Now I live in Columbus, Ohio, where I work as a content writer for OppGen Marketing, a digital marketing agency. I do freelance copy editing and proofreading for Sourcebooks, a book publishing company based in Naperville, Illinois.
If you’re interested in my editing or writing, contact me for more information. I look forward to working with you!